Dr. Shaida Sina

January 1, 2024, Dr. Sina wrote a petition to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), a division of Center for Disease Control (CDC). She requested ATSDR to use environmental health tools to investigate possible pathway toxins that are coming into our community (Jerome, Clarkdale, & Cottonwood). The focus was to be in Cottonwood around the slag pile and where the old Clemenceau smelter stood. ATSDR has not yet approved the request because there must first be testing. 5 requests were made to:

  1. Determine whether mining waste has affected our community
  2. Determine if those toxins could be getting into our body
  3. Determine if they could affect our health
  4. Direct ADEQ Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on appropriate testing so ATSDR and DHS can write a report and recommend actions to protect health
  5. Review safety of using copper mining waste as an upcycled material which could potentially spread toxins and cause illness.

April 2024 – CDC Accepted the petition for Clarkdale and Cottonwood, but denied Jerome. Jerome was denied because it has never had environmental testing!

Fall of 2024 – Dr. Sina met with Dr. Jeffery Reynoso  Director of Region 9 Health and Human Services who recommended she write more requests. Click here to learn more

November 17, 2024 Dr. Sina gave a lecture:

December 2, 2024 ADEQ  contacted Dr. Sina, “Thank you for your inquiry sent to Tina and Hazel below. A community update will be going out soon with a more thorough update on the status of the Preliminary Investigation (PI). However, I can share that we are going back to do more sampling in certain areas indicated by the previous results as needing more focused investigation. We will also be collecting additional background samples and appreciate the input on potential background locations. The additional sampling and background sampling will include aluminum. We look forward to sharing more information on the air monitoring, PI, and air permitting in the community update very soon.”